Monday, November 30, 2015

Mind Mapping and the Ambidextrous Mind (part 2 of 2)

Through mind mapping, you can be propelled to develop the ambidextrous mind. With just one topic, you will be able to diffuse the thoughts into lateral and vertical thinking. Practice mind mapping so that next time you have an issue, situation, or problem to solve, you can address it comprehensively. You can expect creative responses and solutions.

The brain’s functional mechanism is the basis for mind mapping. It can evoke the power of the super brain while triggering the thought process. Therefore, mind mapping can serve as the tool for encouraging whole-brain or ambidextrous thinking.

Business individuals will surely benefit a lot from an ambidextrous mind. Well, you can’t use mind mapping today and expect an immediate result the day after. The ambidextrous mind should be developed over time. You need to practice mind mapping everyday until you finally master it. If you want better and more effective results, mind mapping should be practiced continuously because that’s the only way to encourage the ambidextrous mind.

Very few individuals have the ability to use both sides of their brain and if you’re gifted with such ability, you should be thankful for it. You have to use your ambidextrous mind to contribute goodness in the workplace and in the community. You can even show your colleagues, friends and family how you do it.

Remember that mind mapping is not as hard as you think. If you can find a good teacher who will teach you about mind mapping, then go ahead. Who knows, you might be able learn how to use the two hemispheres of your brain in no time at all.

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