Saturday, October 10, 2015

Chiropractic Care and Treatment For Scoliosis (part 2 of 2)

Chiropractic Treatment Options

Chiropractic treatment for scoliosis utilize a variety of treatment methods including spinal manipulation, shoe lifts, electric stimulation, and isotonic or active exercise methods. The idea behind employing chiropractic for scoliotic treatment is to arrive at a combination treatment that is both manipulative and rehabilitative.

Chiropractic Care vs Spinal Surgery

Chiropractic care is gaining popularity as a treatment for scoliotic patients since it has been proven to be just as effective, if not more, than the existing treatment options for scoliosis. Chiropractic does not only treat any existing problems but also prevents further progression of the curves that is causing the problem. Of all patients who've undergone chiropractic care for scoliosis, about 70 percent have shown significant improvement in terms of the size of the curves. This is important since any relief from scoliosis means that a patient won't have to undergo surgery, take medications, and suffer from the effects of scoliosis.

Due to the significant numbers of scoliotic patients who found relief from chiropractic care, health experts and doctors have recommended chiropractic as one of the first approaches to be used for this particular condition. Results of using chiropractic treatment range from improved stabitility, reduced size of curves, and even total correction.

Follow-up Treatments

After your chiropractic treatment for scoliosis, you need to regularly visit your doctor for continued observance of any progress you have in your condition. If you are really dedicated in eliminating your problems of scoliosis and lead a healthier life, then it is important to seek the guidance of a skilled chiropractor to monitor the development.

On top of your chiropractic treatment, they might suggest additional physical therapy to enhance any treatment you are currently undergoing from your chiropractor. The purpose of these is to increase muscle strength and gain more mobility.

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